Ages 18 and older


  • Fee includes medical interview, the newly required blood test for tuberculosis (TB), blood testing for syphilis, urine testing for gonorrhea, a chest x-ray if needed, and expedited completion of medical forms within 2 business days.
  • Vaccination records required if under 18 years old.
  • If 18 or older, vaccination records are useful but not required. Please note that any vaccinations administered by our office are at additional cost.

1 to 17 years old


  • Fee includes medical interview, review of medical history and vaccination records, and completion of medical forms.
  • Please note that we do not perform blood testing for patients under 15, so children aged 2-15 will need to go to their regular pediatrician to have the TB blood test performed, so that we can complete their forms.
  • Vaccination records required. Please note that any vaccinations administered by our office are at additional cost.

Refugees (all ages)


  • Vaccination records required if under 18 years old.
  • If 18 or older, vaccination records are useful but not required.
  • Fee includes expedited completion of medical forms within 2 business days.
  • Any vaccinations administered by our office are at additional cost.

Important Note

The USCIS recently announced that all patients 2 years of age and older will be required to have a blood test for tuberculosis (TB). Skin testing will no longer be accepted. We perform this new blood test (called Quantiferon) in our office, and the cost is included in the price of the adult examination.
The Quantiferon TB test takes 24 hours to perform, so you will be required to return after 2 business days to pick up your papers. If the blood test is abnormal or TB test is positive, you will need a chest x-ray before receiving your papers.